The June NewsTable meeting will be hosted by Mary & Tom Ricci at their clubhouse in Westerville, OH.
Program: NewsTable
Address: 6039 Poplar Ridge Dr. Westerville, OH
(Mary’s suggestions)
•Take 270 around to 161E New Albany •From 161E take the Hamilton Road exit.
Turn Left onto Hamilton and go to the traffic light with the UDF (Warner Road) •Turn left on Warner Road. •The next actual street on right is Limerock. Turn right onto Limerock.
•The clubhouse is on the Corner of Limerock and Poplar Ridge.
•You can either park on Limerock or on Poplar Ridge.
Clubhouse has stairs and a ramp.
Click the “View larger map” for personalized driving directions. (slightly different directions than Mary’s recommendations, but will get you there)